Yet another example of imported retail products finding their way to the muslim marketplace - and giving the followers of the Religion of Perpetual Outrage further excuse to demonstrate their distress and anger. The latest "offensive to muslims" items (add them to the long list) are "knock-off" sport shoes with the inscription of Allah in Arabic.
Seems like muslims have an odd relationship with shoes. Shoe bottoms are considered an egregious social faux pas in muslimland - "The shoe represents the lowest part of the body (the foot) and displaying or throwing a shoe at someone or something in Arab cultures denotes that the person or thing is "beneath them." Showing the bottom of one's feet or shoes (for example, putting one's feet up on a table or desk) in Arab cultures is considered an extreme insult."
Yet it's apparent that some muslims have no problem using shoes to hide explosive devices that would have blown up an airplane full of innocent people.
Muslim shoe bomber Richard Reid has "no regrets" that he gave a new meaning to the term "hot foot"
As well as thousands of muslims, in Islamic countries from Asia to the Middle East, had no problems using their shoes to repeatedly beat an effigy of US President George W. Bush during one of their regular "Death to America" rallys.
An Indian Muslim carries an effigy of President Bush on his shoulder before burning it during a protest of Bush's visit to India.
Shoe-less? muslims
Certainly it has been repeatedly shown that muslim suicide bombers have no compucture about blowing OTHER people out of their shoes - as the recent and tragic deaths of 68 Iraqis. OR the horrific 7/7 bus bombings in the UK which killed52 innocents - just to cite two sad examples.
-Thus it is quite ironic that when the "shoe is on the other foot" that muslims have no hesitation in using their feet/shoes in less than reputable ways to insult and harm the kaffir.  So it is not in the least surprising that much of the western world sees the adherents of Islam as violent, murderous barbarians and leads us, in conclusion, to point out to the Islamists- "if the shoe fits - wear it".
article in full - emphasis mine
(ANSAmed) - ALGIERS, MARCH 10 - Over 170 pairs of sports shoes with the inscription Allah in Arabic were seized by the Algerian police after the reports of many people stunned by this product considered offensive for the Muslims. The shoes, counterfeit Adidas made in China, have been found in many Algerian markets, in particular in Skikda (east), Algiers and Tizi Ouzou, daily Liberte reports. A real controversy sparked off on many blogs used mainly by young Algerians. "What does it mean? That those who wear these shoes trample on Allah," somebody say, while others ask themselves who is behind the making of this product. Some pairs of jeans with the inscription Allah in Arabic on one pocket are also under accusation. "Must we sit on Allah?". "Do we know to what insults of this type to the Muslims lead?," Liberte underlines, reminding of the cartoons on the Prophet Muhammad and the anger of the Islamic world. (ANSAmed).